A Very Warm Welcome to the Tettenhall Wood Photographic Club (TWPC)
Weekly meetings are held at The Institute, although we can link them to Zoom for those people who need to use that facility.
You are most welcome to join us at The Institute simply by contacting our Chair, Vice Chair or Membership Secretary in the first instance. We look forward to hearing from you.
We normally meet at The Institute, Wood Road, Tettenhall Wood, Wolverhampton WV6 8NF, Tuesdays at 7.30pm, and there will usually be someone in attendance from 7pm onwards. We meet on the first floor in Room 4 and lift access is available.
Sat Nav Co-ordinates 52.590223 (N) -2.181792 (W)
Our season runs between September and June, and prospective new members and visitors are always welcome to attend without obligation. Anyone who is interested in becoming a member is advised to contact our Membership Secretary in the first instance.

The monthly competitions are divided into three classes, General for those just starting in competitions, Intermediate and Advanced for those with an increasing degree of proficiency and skill. There are four rounds of prints and four rounds of projected images for each class and all entrants are judged in their respective class by the invited judge who awards 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and Highly Commended and Commended at his discretion. Points are awarded according to placing and are used to formulate a league table. At the end of the year, the member with the highest score in each section in each class is awarded a trophy.
A copy of the information sheet, Preparing for Competition, general and detailed, is available to download from the Resources page. These are important documents for all those wishing to enter the competitions, so please do read these carefully and if you have any questions or are unclear on any matter, do contact the Competition Secretary for clarification.
We do battle with other local clubs where each club normally enters 10 to 15 prints and the same number of projected images, although other combinations may be used depending on the agreement between the participating clubs. These are displayed before a judge who will give each image a score out of 20. The club that accumulates the most points is declared the winner. It is a simple formula but a good evening’s entertainment.
Entrants submit a panel of three PIs before a judge, with the best panel, in the judge's opinion, being declared the winner. The images are linked together by a theme of the author's choice. Depending on the overall entries, members can submit up to three PI panels. For further information please see the Tryptych entry in the General Rules, as well as the detail instructions in the 'Links and Tutorials' section at the bottom of the website.
This is aimed at the production of never-before-seen work. The rules of which are available within the published competition rules.
A fun competition, the theme of which is set by the Chairman. Basic rules can be found by clicking the link below...
The monthly competitions are running events, with the award winner being the photographer who has accumulated the most points from the four rounds in each category and in each class. The other one-off competitions also attract awards, and these are all presented at the end of the season at the Presentation Evening.
The scores collected from all competitions apart from the Chairman’s Challenge count towards the title of “Photographer of the Year” or more commonly known as POTY.
Visitors and prospective new members are always welcome to come along to any of our Club Nights without obligation. We meet nearly every Tuesday in room four at The Institute, Wood Rd, Tettenhall Wood, Wolverhampton, WV6 8NF. Proceedings start at 7:30 PM prompt, and there are usually some members in attendance from about 7:00 PM.
However, if you want to contact someone first or just want more information, please do use the contact information below: